Saint Francis University Library

Returns & Book Drops


  • Library items must be returned on or before the due date.
  • All loans can be returned to the Circulation Counter during the library hours.
  • Fines are charged for late returns.

Book Drops for After Hours Returns

  • Books must be placed in book drops on or before the due date. Overdue books, short-term loans and all non-print library materials (e.g., audio-visual discs) should be checked in at the library circulation counter and must not be placed in the book drops.
  • Books placed in the book drops will be backdated to the last day when the Library was open for check-in. The book drops will not be emptied on official holidays.
  • Please handle the books with great care and place them properly in the book drops. The Library will not be responsible for any damages or loss of the returned items, or any items placed outside the book drops.
  • If the books have been returned to the book drops but are still listed on your library record, please request a search for the returned items.
  • Book Drop