Saint Francis University Library

SFU receives the multilingual book donation of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China”

Saint Francis University (SFU) is delighted to have received a generous gift of a multi-volume and multilingual collection entitled Xi Jinping: The Governance of China from Beijing Chongxue Cultural Development Company Limited. The official donation ceremony was held on 6 March 2025. The participants in this special event included Professor Lo Tit Wing (Acting President), Professor Annie Bligh (Provost), Dr. Kat Leung (Vice-President, Administration and Secretary), Mr. Manhoe Chan (Vice-President, Resources and Finance), Dr. Ricky Leung (Associate Vice-President, Institutional Advancement), Professor Chan Sin-wai (Dean, Ip Ying To Lee Yu Yee School of Humanities and Languages), Ms. Charlotte Wong (Librarian) and other staff members.

This monumental publication is available in nine languages, viz. Chinese, English, Russian, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Japanese and Portuguese. It provides unique, insightful and comprehensive perspectives on the pivotal role of China on the international stage.

Members of the SFU community are most welcome to borrow and browse this compendium to gain a better understanding of the fundamental principles of government and distinctive patterns of development in modern China.